The JOY project continues! During the past few weeks, we have been talking with educators and educators, artists, social workers and other professionals who work to support youth in difficult situations, including NEETs but not only, using experiential and artistic methods including music therapy, dance therapy, storytelling and graphic facilitation, narrative techniques, biblio-therapy, social theatre and more. It has grown stronger and stronger in us the idea that there is a close connection between art, emotions – both positive and negative ones – self-discovery and awareness of one’s talents and worth. Body, mind, the surroundings, people around us, nature, life, work, inner world and outer world… everything is connected and the art, through experience and expressive methods can act as a bridge between these worlds.
In Palermo, but also in Germany, Austria and Hungary, these reflections are going on and intersecting, to create together a training course addressed to anyone who would like to know how to use these methods to support young people in difficulty to get back in touch with their emotions, manage the negative ones and use the positive ones as leverage to change, to take charge of their lives again and start off again toward full self-realization.
Last month, JOY project staff met in St. Polten, Austria, to share the results of research, focus groups and interviews done locally, exchange ideas and reflections, and plan the development of next steps. At the beginning of next year, more information will be shared about the training that will be proposed, with the organization of an informational event to gather opinions and feedback, for a training offer as close to the needs of our community as possible.
If you would like to know more write to, visit or follow us on Facebook.
ODE TO JOY – Developing Attunement through the Experience of Joy is a project co-funded by Erasmus+ programme, Cooperation partnerships in adult education.
- Coordinator: Rogers Személyközpontú Oktatásért Alapítvány, Hungary
- GeSoB – Gesellschaft für Sozialforschung und Bildung, Austria
- UWEZO GmbH, Germany
- Astoria Színházi Közművelődési Egyesület, Hungary
- Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci, Italy