Emotion square (drama)

General Aim

learning about own feelings
learn about body language
fun and teamwork

Learning goals

better understanding and learning about own and others´ feelings and body language
more able to change feelings/ emotions
fast reaction / response to emotion
learning to be an active part of a group
dissembling situations

Short description/background/Introduction/Tips for the trainer

clear roles
clear setting situations start improvising
open space for own ideas
reaction changing feelings emotions


Youngsters & adult people

Suggested group



2 ropes or 2 long sticks


30 – 45 minutes


The facilitator creates a cross on the floor (made with 2 ropes or 2 sticks)
In each space of the cross is inserted the paper with an emotion written on it: happy, sad, angry, tired (nervous)
Participants are divided into groups of two or three.
The facilitator asks each group to imagine a scene and rehearse it; the characters have to switch from one emotional state to another and enact it by moving around the different squares on the floor.
After rehearsing, each group performs its scene in front of the others.

Evaluation/Final debriefing

Participants stand in a circle and are asked how they felt


Mobbingprävention in Lebensraum Schule – Gefühlsquadrat (p. 95)
Brigitte Schöder a.o.
ISBN: 978-3-200-06145-3

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