Landart (art)

General Aim

– To calm down,
– To promote awareness in nature and cooperation,
– To develop ideas and plan activities,
– To develop respect for nature and perceive nature with other senses.

Learning goals

To learn to perform a free and respectful action with natural materials in order to develop one’s creative capacity, experiencing that the design process and the result are only important if combined with the joy of becoming and letting go.

Short description/background/Introduction/Tips for the trainer

Exercise to be carried out in the natural space to fortify the relationship between the group and nature.


5 – 80 years

Suggested group

1 – 10 people


Natural materials on site, e.g. stones, sand, leaves
Possible aids: a scissor, band, shovel, etc.


30 minutes or more, it depends on the time schedule and the group needs


1. The facilitator forms small groups and asks each of them to move through the forest in search of a space where they can create a work of art.
2. Once found, participants are asked to create a work of art with materials from the natural world.
3. Having collected the material, the facilitator assigns a theme for the work.
4. Afterwards, the various groups set to work and create their own work of art.
5. After the work is done, the participants present it to the other groups, explaining how the work was done and why they chose to represent what they did, as if they were in a real art exhibition.

Evaluation/Final debriefing

At the end of the exercise, participants are asked to sit in a circle and explain how they felt working in a group, in nature, in a creative way.


Land Art in Frühling and Summer, Michael Fink

Ideeenbuch LandArt , Marc Pouyet
ISBN: 978-3-03800-357-1

Land Art, Michael Lailach
ISBN: 978-3-8228-5612-3