
Rogers Foundation for Person-Centred Education
The Rogers Foundation for Person-Centred Education was set up in 2005, and started its official activity in 2006 in public- and adult education areas, as well as for youth issues and sustainability.
Based on Carl R. Rogers’s thoughts we believe that a person can understand and fulfill him or herself through living, personal experiences and in accepting relationships – our mission is to ensure this accepting relationship to people. For this purpose we organize and run educational, experiential activities, as well as organize researches, projects and services, beside maintaining the Rogers Academy, a permanent educational institution. We work with drama pedagogy, arts therapy, free play, game-based learning, emotional intelligence, systems thinking, leisure time pedagogy, talent development, e-learning, sustainability education, human rights and equal opportunities, youth inclusion, employability skills, health literacy and person-centred organizational development.

Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci
Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” is a non-profit association based in Palermo, Italy, born from the experience of social and educational work of Danilo Dolci and his collaborators, started in Eastern Sicily back in 1952. The Centre stemmed from the need of offering the local communities a reality committed to practically solve the local problems, developing a creative space in which fostering awareness and bottom-up planning, paving the way for a real change. Since the beginning, the main focus of the Center were non-violent education practices and communication as well as the creative development of the local territory.
At present, Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” works in the educational sector, involving young people and adults, mainly acting through projects in the educational field carried out in cooperation with schools, universities, institutions, associations and social groups both at local and international level.

GeSoB – Gesellschaft für Sozialforschung und Bildung
The founding of the Society for Social Research and Education (GeSoB) coincides with a period of economic crisis and social upheaval of global character.
In this context, GeSoB makes its contribution with social innovations based on interdisciplinary research that combines theory with practice, basic research with applied research that analyzes and overcomes the contradictions fed by social, regional, national and transnational interdependencies. Only diversity of methods is appropriate in a research program designed in this way.
The heuristic reference points of our view of humanity are the inalienable, universal and indivisible human rights and, in the social sphere, all those visions that promote the goal of an egalitarian and solidary society based on the self-socialization of people: We consciously oppose those social conditions that are subordinated to unquestioned naturalized constraints – be they economic or technocratic – with a social ideal designed in the public interest.

UWEZO GmbH develops and implements frameworks, methods and tools for lifelong learning, recognition and validation.
These instruments enable children, adolescents and adults to effectively cope with the rapidly changing conditions in
education, the labour market and society, to develop and increase their employability and their participation in society.
Healthy and capable learners and employees, who develop their own life and work career, is the primary goal.
One of the aims is to bridge the gap between formal, top-done driven education/training and validation and the informal, bottom-up, individual driven learning and valuing of the learning outcomes, including the underlying personality traits, emotions and motivations.

Astoria Színházi Közművelődési Egyesület
Astoria Theatre Association was founded in 1987 to create theatre performance, to do workshops in an experimental way for young people. In 1990 the association opened it’s theatre venue and called it Rs9 as it is based in Rumbach Sebestyen street 9 in Budapest.
It has created numerous performances and educated thousands of young people, children and youngsters with special needs in the past decades. It became one of the main independent theatre in Budapest.