Letter to myself (storytelling)

General Aim

The goal of the activity aims to prevent negativity from becoming the usual attitude, focusing on positive aspects of ourselves, maintaining a balance between qualities and negative aspects, recognising both of them, enhancing self-esteem for the first ones and motivation for improving, leaving behind negative habits, fears and insecurities.

Learning goals

To develop:
– Self-awareness
– Connection with oneself
– Recognition of ones’ positive qualities
– Self-esteem
– Positive attitude towards oneself
– Open communication
– Empathy

Short description/background/Introduction/Tips for the trainer

Exercise of self-reflection and personal narrative. The idea of the exercise is to accompany the person towards storytelling through an initial moment of recollection and personal thought.



Suggested group

Around 20 participants


Pens and papers


1.00 h


The facilitator asks participants to write a letter to themselves, writing it as if they are sending it to their best friend. In it, they can express their feelings and perceptions about themselves, thanking themselves for what they have achieved and difficulties they have overcome in the last period, complimenting themselves for their positive aspects and strengths, sharing their plans and aspirations for the future and for the experience they are going to live during the training, forgiving themselves for their last mistakes or missteps.
In a separate paper, participants should make a list of negative aspects, fears, insecurities, bad habits that prevent them to fully realize themselves and that they want to leave out of the training experience.
The letters will be closed and collected all together in the same place.
At the end of the training, during the last closing circle, the facilitator will ask to anyone who wants to read the letter, or they can be randomly read by another participant. After reading it, the participants can share with the other members of the group if they think they have improved some aspects of themselves through the experience of the training or not.
Regarding the lists, the facilitator will ask everyone if they want to share their list, and if they were able to leave behind the negative emotions and bad habits during the training period and if the experience lived will help them to try to reduce these aspects in their daily life. In the end, if they are ready to do so, they can tear off the paper or crumple it or destroy it as they prefer.

Evaluation/Final debriefing

At the end of the exercise, the facilitator can ask the group to reflect on the activity by asking to consider:
⎯ What did I get from this activity?
⎯ Did I learn something more or new about myself?
⎯ Did listening to the others help me to reflect more about myself?